Reading Time: 3 minutes joestfrancois from YouTube asks, “Was Abraham going to kill his son for your [G]od or not?” Reading the Bible in Context helps One Understand Truth It is clear for anyone reading the Bible in context what Abraham believed would happen and what he was planning on doing. It is a rather short chapter of history […]

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Reading Time: 5 minutes autonerf from YouTube asks a number of good questions about the Bible (God’s Word). Why are there so many versions of God’s word today, and which version do you believe to be the most accurate? Why are there so many interpretations of the meaning of God’s word? Does God allow His word to be changed, […]

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Reading Time: 16 minutes GoodWithout_God from Twitter asks: Do you think your [G]od ignored & rejected the prayers of the people these actors from the movie "God on Trial"portray? Giving to me a link to a specific scene from the movie where one of the actors launches into a series of questions that explore God's actions from the escape […]

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Reading Time: 8 minutes Why do Atheists Insult Christians? Atheists insult Christians because atheists are insecure and being insecure atheists want to feel better about themselves and thus atheists insult those people who do not accept their belief that God does not exist because deep inside they know God really does exist. Their knowing God exists and yet denying […]

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Reading Time: 6 minutes @Nickdrumr2  asks; “Given a choice of life or death, which do you choose? At the expense of an innocent child; I'd choose death. How about you and your God given morals?” Context of the Conversation Nickdrumr2 and I were tweeting about morals and I asked him, “Given a choice of life or death, which do […]

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Reading Time: 4 minutes @Nickdrumr2 from Twitter asks: “You say god doesn’t order people to kill. But you also say he does. Please explain?” Clarification In order to answer this apparent contradiction, we must make a distinction between killing someone and committing murder. Murder is the unlawful taking of a life, while killing may be lawful or unlawful. Self-Defense […]

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