Churches to Stay Away From

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The Bad News – Churches You need to Stay Away From

Yes, there are churches you need to stay away from because they do not teach directly and only from the Holy Bible. These “churches” are not truly following the teachings taught within the Holy Bible because they have added supplemental teachings that come from outside the Holy Bible. If you are in one of these “churches” I suggest that you quickly get out of it and find yourself a Protestant Church which teaches directly and only from the Holy Bible. “How do I do this?” you ask, well, it starts with you knowing what the Holy Bible teaches by your honestly reading and study of it and sincere prayers to God for Him to lead you to the right church. Remember, it isn’t about you, it is all about God.


Here are a few “churches” to stay away from because they either do not hold Christ Jesus as God and/or in some kind of idol worship and/or have changed the wording of the Holy Bible in some way. They each in their own way teach that “good works” is what salvation is all about.


Mormonism – Started by Joseph Smith in 1820s. Believe that as a man is, God once was and as God is, man may become. They also believe Satan and Jesus are spirit brothers. They use more than just the Holy Bible and hold dearly “The Book of Mormon” and hold that the Holy Bible cannot be trusted. They say that The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are three separate gods. They also believe that there are millions of gods ruling over millions of planets and that they too will become a god and will rule over their own planet.


Mormons believe there is no salvation outside of their working for it. Mormon’s believe that if it wasn’t for Joseph Smith’s new “gospel” given to him by “angels” which is “For we know that it is by grace that we are saved, ‘after all we can do’” (2 Nephi 25:23), that there would be no salvation for anyone.


Jehovah’s Witnesses – Started by Charles Russell about 130 years ago. In ~1961 they published their own Bible; the “New World Translation (NWT) which blatantly alters many verses that revealed the errors of their teachings in real Bibles. Their main doctrine comes from “The Watchtower” magazine which teaches that only “they” can interpret the Bible. They reject, The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as being God and as such teach that Jesus is not God incarnate but just a created being.


Both Mormons (Seventh Day Adventists) and Jehovah’s Witnesses believe in “good works” and the Jehovah’s Witnesses have a complicated combination of belief and good works. The belief is that they have to persevere in doing God’s will and continue to adhere to all of God’s requirements which includes a sacred duty, a requirement on which their life depends, that they are to knock on door after door and spend at least five hours a week going door to door to sell twelve subscriptions to their, “The Watchtower” magazine each month and conduct a monthly “Bible study” in the homes of their converts.


Roman Catholicism – There are two main divisions of traditional Christianity: Roman Catholics and Protestants. The Protestant church is called “protestant” because it “protested” against Catholicism back in the early 1500s when a German Catholic monk named Martin Luther found that salvation didn’t come through “good works” but simply through trusting in the finished work of Christ Jesus. Roman Catholics use a version of the Bible that includes a group of books called the “Apocrypha” in their Old Testament. These books were not part of the official canon of Judaism thus are not used by Protestants.


The main problem with Roman Catholicism is their teachings and idol worship in bowing and praying to statues of “the saints,” angels, images of Mary and Jesus, etc. Idol worship is a direct violation of the “Ten Commandments” which they accept as God’s Law as it is in the Roman Catholic Bible however, if you look in the Catholic Catechism which is the official teachings of the Roman Catholic Church, you will find that the Second of the Ten Commandments has been removed. Roman Catholics give as much credence to the teachings of the church as it does to the authority of holy Scripture.


Roman Catholics have a doctrine that misleads people into thinking that they can somehow be made right with God after this lifetime via Purgatory. It is clearly stated in Hebrews 9:27 that there are no second chances to get right with God as men only die once and then the judgment.


Like the Seventh Day Adventists and Jehovah’s Witnesses among others who teach “good works,” Roman Catholics teaches that salvation can be earned can they say Heaven is God’s “reward for good works” in their Catechism par: 1821. They also teach that salvation can be lost through sin and that salvation is never assured in this life.


The Gospel of Christ Jesus (Good News)

The GOOD NEWS (Gospel) is God’s truth and comes directly from the Holy Bible without any diversion from people who want you to do something for them. When people tell you that you have to do “good works” for your salvation, you can tell them the following; Romans 5:8 – “But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” John 3:16 – “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.” Psalms 62:7 – “On God my salvation and my glory rest; The rock of my strength, my refuge is in God.” Isaiah 52:10 – “The LORD has bared His holy arm In the sight of all the nations, That all the ends of the earth may see The salvation of our God.” Luke 1:77 – “To give to His people the knowledge of salvation By the forgiveness of their sins,” Titus 2:11 – “For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation to all men,”


Romans 1:16 – “For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.”


God lets Everyone into Heaven


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